Transform your Sacramento property into a pristine oasis with EXT Cleaning. Our expert pressuaTransform your Sacramento property into a pristine oasis with EXT Cleaning. Our expert pressure washing services will rejuvenate your home's exterior, remove stubborn stains, and protect its value. Experience top-tier service, safety, and satisfaction every step of the washing services will rejuvenate your home’s exterior, remove stubborn stains, and protect its value. Experience top-tier service, safety, and satisfaction every step of the way.
Maintain clear gutters effortlessly for a safer, cleaner home environment.
Revitalize your roof's beauty with our expert cleaning services.
Revitalize your home's appearance with our expert pressure washing.
Enhance efficiency with expert care for your solar panels.
Safeguard your property from birds with long-lasting protection solutions.
Enhance clarity and curb appeal with professional window cleaning excellence.
Revitalize your home's exterior with our expert pressure cleaning.
Keep gutters clean longer with professional gutter guard installation.
Enhance your holiday display with professional, hassle-free light installation.
Nestled in the heart of California, Sacramento is a vibrant city known for its rich history, beautiful architecture, and thriving communities. As the state capital, it's a melting pot of cultures and boasts a variety of attractions—from the historic Old Sacramento Waterfront to the bustling Capitol Mall. Whether you're a resident or business owner, Sacramento's charm is undeniable, and maintaining your property’s exterior aesthetic is crucial in preserving its local pride.
At EXT Cleaning, we understand that every Sacramento home and business is unique, which is why we offer customized solutions to meet your specific needs. Our pressure washing services are designed to tackle the toughest dirt and grime, ensuring your property looks its best. Explore our diverse range of services:
Choosing the right partner for pressure washing in Sacramento can make all the difference. Our team of professionals is committed to delivering exceptional results with top-tier equipment and eco-friendly cleaning solutions. We know Sacramento's climate and architecture, allowing us to provide services that enhance and preserve the beauty of each property we touch.
Our commitment to serving Sacramento knows no bounds. From the lush landscapes of East Sacramento to the dynamic urban vibes of Midtown, we cover all neighborhoods. Trust EXT Cleaning to be there for you no matter where you are, providing the quality care and attention your property deserves.
Here's some of what they had to say
EXT is a honest and professional company. Their work is top-notch and their prices are definitely fair. Highly recommend!
EXT Cleaning was fast to respond, out the next day and did a great job cleaning our gutters.
We couldn't be happier with this service! Our house is surrounded by trees and our rain gutters were more than clogged. Our roof and gutters are clean and they took all the leaves with them! No clean up needed on our part.
Experience unmatched cleanliness with EXT Cleaning. Schedule your service now for a spotless transformation!